
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Old Consensual Sex Case Prosecuted Recently

I found another story from March of last year that seems strange. An elderly Pulaski County (Kentucky) man was charged with a crime for having sex with his daughter two decades ago, when she was an adult.

Police have said the case began in 2005 when officials investigated a neglect complaint about the child, who was born in 1991.

Police said DNA confirmed the man was the child's father and grandfather.

The Associated Press doesn't name alleged victims of sex crimes and isn't naming the man in this case to protect the identity of the daughter, who is now in her 40s.

Did he have custody of the child? If so, charge him with neglect, if the complaint was indeed valid (the paper doesn't indicate the child was, in fact, neglected.) The child would have had to be around 18 years old at the time the man was indicted. If he didn’t have custody, then charge the mother with neglect. Why charge someone with what was apparently consensual sex, especially when it happened two decades ago? The woman was in her 20s at the time. And notice, she chose to have and keep the child instead of choosing abortion, adoption, or abandonment. There is no indication given that the child had any birth defects or that the woman was raped. What a waste of court resources. Either that, or incomplete reporting.
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