
Friday, January 7, 2011

One Self-Discovery and Coming Out Account

In a painfully candid posting, Bike Groggette discusses discovering polyamory, and the fallout.

I have lost friendships due to being open about my polyamory. Told that I use people and am, yes, unethical, strictly because of this. But I feel that any relationship based on open communication and meeting (or at least trying to meet) the needs of all participants can't help but be an ethical one, and I have no regrets about no longer counting those people among my friends. Not understanding my lifestyle is one thing; actively judging me because of it is a whole other level.

Point well stated.

If you read the whole thing, you will see that she learned by experience as well as reading the ethics she now promotes. It is sad that bigotry and prejudice are still pervasive, but we can do something about that, and make it easier for those who are not cut out for monogamy.
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