
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Man Charged With Incest Apparently Kills Self

A Michael Kimball, someone I wrote about in this earlier posting, apparently killed himself in his jail cell.

According to a press release from Commander Dan O'Fallon, Kimball had contact with Detention staff about 15 minutes before he was found hanging in his cell.

Kimball was transported to Emergency Room and was pronounced dead around 1 am on Thursday.

O'Fallon says Kimball was moved into the private cell two hours prior to the incident and was checked on six times during that period.

As a reminder…

Kimball was charged in March with two counts of incest for allegedly having sex with one of his children several times from 2007 to 2010.

Atrociously, there is still no indication in this report as to whether this was consensual sex with adult offspring, or whether this was child/statutory rape. If it was the latter, then I’d say good riddance. If it was the former, then this is a serious miscarriage of justice.
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