
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Loving Thing

Edward Wyckoff Williams considers New York’s granting of the freedom to marry to (some) same-sex couples, tying it back to moment of US history in which another freedom to marry was granted.

It seems only fitting to reference a quote from Mildred Loving, the iconic plaintiff in the 1967 U.S. Supreme Court case of Loving v. Virginia, which made race-based marriage restrictions unconstitutional. Loving, a black woman who fought for the legal validation of her marriage to a white man, stated poignantly that marriage equality for gay couples is "what Loving, and loving, are all about."

Even though New York's marriage law was a legislative, not judicial, decision, the framework that the Supreme Court established to abolish laws written to deny blacks and whites the freedom to intermarry now serves as a moral blueprint in the fight for marriage equality. The underlying question has become, how can the state infringe upon an individual's right to love whom he or she chooses?

Let’s keep moving towards full marriage equality, so that an adult can marry any consenting adults.
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