
Monday, October 26, 2015

Words Matter

Emma at takes a look at the terms "same-sex marriage" and "marriage equality" in relation to polyamory.
The alternative term, ‘marriage equality’ implies that once gays can marry, marriage rights will be equal across the board. And you can bet your ass I don’t agree with that sentiment.

As we say here, the limited monogamous same-gender freedom to marry is great, but we're working for full marriage equality.
That’s when I found a happy medium in my own mind. We don’t need to change the term ‘marriage equality’ to be inclusive of polyamourous relationships. We just need to change its context. Marriage equality is a term that can be used for both same-sex couples and polyamorous families… and it doesn’t have to mean both at the same time. The US recently achieved marriage equality for same-sex couples, but that doesn’t have to imply they achieved marriage equality all-round.
There's still so much work to be done.
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